A   N e w   Y o r k   a r t i s t
m a d e   i n   B u e n o s   A i r e s

Hi, my name is Marcela Hoffer.

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and have been living in New York City since I was 24.

A few years ago, my own creative energy appeared out of nowhere. It is fair to say that it surprised me. It has revealed my passion for writing and collaging.

I have been a psychotherapist for more than 25 years, and I find that this creative work presents a unique opportunity to facilitate healing work allowing me to explore deeply personal and family issues in magical ways.

My art turns my feelings, thoughts and emotions into images, in a sense translating my experiences from memory and consciousness into physical artistic forms. It heals projections that I have carried with me for decades and integrates my thoughts and passions with articulations that emerge from my hands. It’s therefore also liberating. My art gives me the opportunity to break free of the present moment and emerge as a conscious being that exists outside linear time. With this work, I can finally bring the heavens to the earth, and the past, the present and future all meet.

I am at the beginning of a journey that has been waiting for half a century.